Monday, March 11, 2013

Sick, but still creating

What a break. Pneumonia! It started out with the usual seasonal sinus infection and progressed to double ear infection and then coughing, a 103.7 temperature and respiratory distress! And I got a pneumonia shot! I don't think I have even been on so many pills. And steroids? Yikes! This is interfering with my creativity. Between sessions of sleeping and coughing, I bend wire and design. My two assistants, Bandit the Manx cat and Kofi the Long Haired Chihuahua, we have made progress in my bed (them snoring and me designing.). Illness cannot keep an artist down. Look out for a new look in copper for spring. You can check it out on Etsy and my FB Business page,

Urban Craft Uprising, Summer 2013

I am applying to the Urban Craft Uprising Summer Show in Seattle, July 12-14, 2013 at the Seattle Center Exhibition Hall. Vendors have been invited from California, Oregon and Washington States.They have added a dedicated event for buyers apart from the show, to shop at the vendor booths. Sounds very interesting and fun. I figure it is a long shot, but that is why were are here! UCU is working with School House Craft this year. I will keep you updated on my progress.